Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hi! Today's my birthday! Welcome to my home on the web. I'm busy resting up but here are a few pictures of me and my family. I'm sure some more pictures will be posted soon. I'm only a few hours old so there hasn't been a lot of time to take many yet. Please check back soon to see some more and please feel free to sign my guestbook so I know you stopped by!

Love, Sunni

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Well everyone has been resting after all of the excitement yesterday. I've been busy getting to know everyone and getting settled in. My Mom is starting to feel better and she and my Dad are happy to get everyone's notes. There are lots of new pictures to be taken today so please check back for some updates. In the meantime, I think I'll be resting some more. Growing is hard work!

Hugs & Kisses, Sunni

A note from my Mommy -

Hi everyone, this is Kelli! Just wanted to update everyone and thank you for you love and support! Jen surprised me with this site, and I think it is completely awesome. Anyway, It's Thursday, Sept. 4, and Sunshine is officially 1 day old. We are all getting used to each other, and besides a couple of crying fits, things seem to be going pretty well. Liam is doing great with Sunni. He loves to hold and sing to her. I think we all are looking forward to coming home and settling in to our new routine.

Friday, September 5, 2008

I'm two days old now and it's been a busy day! I had my first car ride and my first visit to a restaurant. I had my picture taken at the restaurant and was officially named their youngest patron. I can't wait till I'm old enough to try some of their food. I'll bet it was good! I am at home now getting settled in. My Mommy and Daddy are very appreciative of all of the wonderful notes that everyone has left for us. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you'll keep checking back for more updates.

Love, Sunni
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